Pinpoint Relevant Institutional Knowledge in Seconds

with AI-powered search across all your document repositories and a knowledge assistant to handle more complex queries.

How It Works

Configure DeepJudge to index your firm's document repositories and retrieve accurate search results for the services your professionals use most.

DeepJudge provides these essential components, tailored to the needs of your firm

Our proprietary search technology utilizes intent-based, permission-aware ranking to deliver the most accurate search results for legal documents. Our Knowledge Search comprehensively ingests work product, briefs, memos, client communication, and other document types in all common file formats and makes them available in a single, unified interface.

Knowledge Search

At the center is our proprietary indexing system, which can ingest unstructured documents from your DMS, your Microsoft ecosystem, your client portals, and more. The index is infinitely scalable and updates in real time as documents are changed.

Knowledge Search Front End

Access the entirety of your document archives from one intuitive starting point, which can be placed at the top of your intranet home page.

Knowledge Search API

Provides programmatic access to your developers to integrate DeepJudge Search with your other tools.

Knowledge Assistant

Optionally, use our integrated generative AI to handle complex search and summarization tasks.

Search the way you think

Accurate Content-focused Results at Lightning Speed

By discerning the intent behind your query, DeepJudge efficiently extracts insights from extensive document and knowledge management systems – even when the words used are different. Say goodbye to keyword searches. Our AI-powered search understands your language and finds the most relevant document-, paragraph-, or clause-level results from millions of documents in under one second.

Automatic and Imported Metadata

Filter your results to find only the best and most relevant authors, clients, jurisdictions and more. Each document in DeepJudge Search is automatically classified into an extensive taxonomy which can be tailored to your needs. This combination of AI-generated and your imported tags are used to enrich and provide structured information about your documents.

Choose Your Own Secure Deployment Model

DeepJudge components can be hosted in any public or private cloud, or even on premises. Regardless of your choice, you get the full power and scalability of DeepJudge Knowledge Search—with no sub-processors.

For DeepJudge Assistant, you can choose between your own GenAI foundation model—for example, Azure OpenAI service, DeepJudge-provided on-prem LLMs, or even your firm's own customized LLM.

Users' access rights are mirrored from the original source, facilitating ethical wall and privacy compliance. Audit logs allow administrators to monitor usage trends and anomalies.