Media Kit

We're thrilled for your interest in DeepJudge.

Below please find some basic facts and figures about the company and the product, as well as logos and images that may be used in print or online.

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About the Product

DeepJudge Knowledge Search is an intent-based, scalable, and secure search engine tailored specifically for legal documents. The company’s cutting-edge and proprietary technology utilizes intent-based, permission-aware ranking to deliver the most accurate search results.

DeepJudge Knowledge Assistant is the only AI assistant powered by the entire institutional knowledge of a firm. Connected to Knowledge Search and using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, DeeoJudge Knowledge Assistant provides the most relevant, up-to-date information, ensuring high-quality answers are grounded in each organization’s comprehensive internal knowledge base.

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About the Company


The DeepJudge co-founders are Paulina Grnarova, Yannic Kilcher and Kevin Roth, all PhDs in Artificial Intelligence from ETH Zurich. They each also worked in various research positions at Google prior to founding the company.

Seasoned advisors include Jan Puzicha, who founded and scaled Recommind (now part of OpenText) as CTO, and Steve Obenski, whose strategic leadership helped propel Kira Systems (now part of Litera) from its early stages through successful exit.

This combination of experienced legal tech advisors and breakthrough technology researchers puts DeepJudge in a unique position to deliver high-impact solutions to the global market.


DeepJudge is backed by some of the leading investors in the world, including Coatue.

Founding year


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