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Collective Knowledge Revived

Harness the institutional knowledge in all your documents

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Your competitive edge lies in your experience and expertise.
Access it with ease.

Our AI-powered search finds astoundingly accurate content-focused results from across all of your firm's document collections.

From Document Overload to Strategic Advantage

Advanced intent-based search and AI-predicted metadata turns what was once document overload into an easily accessible library of all of your prior work.

Serve Existing Clients and Win New Business

Harness your document archive to truly understand your professionals' prior experience, provide the most precise information to clients, and to uncover new business opportunities.

Reduce Write-offs and Be More Responsive

With past work always at your fingertips, your firm can run a leaner operation, moving cases and deals forward with confidence and speed.

On-Premise, Cloud or In-Network Deployment

Highly Scalable to 100s of Millions of Documents

Under 1 Second to Search All Your Documents

Seamless Integration with Document Sources

Secure and Compliant Deployment Options

Everything operates within your chosen environment, cloud, on-prem or in-network, respecting all access rights and ethical walls, ensuring maximum security and compliance.

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The Bedrock of the Modern Lawyer Toolkit

“Knowledge Search allows me to write intuitive queries and to be as specific as I want to be; something that was not possible before with the keyword-based enterprise search engines. Knowledge Search is a fundamental part of our work and our lawyers were quick to adapt as it’s as intuitive as using Google.”

David Oser,
partner in M&A at Homburger, one of the largest Swiss law firms

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A Breakthrough Technology for our Firm

"For some time we’ve been looking for an advanced search engine that can effectively navigate through millions of internal documents in various formats, so that our collective know-how and expertise are at our lawyers’ fingertips. Finding relevant knowledge at the right time is critical for providing tailored legal advice in high-stakes strategic matters and DeepJudge, customised to our specialised needs, now enables us to do precisely that. Thanks to its intuitive interface and capacity to handle precise and nuanced queries, our lawyers can uncover key insights with ease."

Fedor Poskriakov,
Deputy Managing Partner at Lenz & Staehelin